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✨ Custom CSS

To further customize your dashboard, you can add your own CSS rules to Homarr. This can be used to change virtually any aspect of the dashboard, from the color of the background to the size of the font.

Adding custom CSS rules

To add custom CSS rules, go to the Customizations tab in the settings menu. There you can find a text field where you can enter your CSS rules.

homarr custom css settings

After entering your rules, click on the "Submit" button to save your changes. You can now directly see the result of your customizations on the dashboard.


homarr custom css result

Example: Background image blur

body {
backdrop-filter: blur(60px);
-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(60px);

Adding the above to your custom CSS will give you blur support for both desktop and mobile. You can change how much blur is wanted by changing the (60px) to a choice that better suits your needs.

homarr custom css results

We can also add blur support for the settings modal. Here is an example of how we can achieve this.

.mantine-w4dwz9 {
backdrop-filter: blur(5px);
-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(5px);
background-color: transparent;

homarr custom css results

Example: border colors

Here is another example for adding borders too your apps and widgets.

.mantine-y31s44 {
border-color: cyan;
border-style: groove;

homarr custom css results

Static classnames

Implementing static classnames makes it so that homarr will no longer break your custom css due too the classname of .mantines being randomly generated with every update. Manually defining the classname of the elements makes it too where they are static and will not change during a update. While as of now homarr doesnt support having all mantines static, we now have 13 that are. Homarr plans to support more in the future.

homarr custom css results


We used too use .mantine-11y29xm but now we can also use .dashboard-gs-generic-item



You can still use the .mantines instead of the static names. This is important for those that would want widgets to be a different background then applications.

homarr custom css results

homarr custom css results

Classnames statically supported

dashboard-app-shellThis would be for the entire app shell including the header
dashboard-headerThe header for mantine
dashboard-header-logo-rootThe wrapper for the logo of homarr
dashboard-header-logo-imageThe image element of the logo
dashboard-header-logo-textThe text displayed in the header
dashboard-header-group-rightThe right group of the header
dashboard-header-search-rootThe root element of the searchbar
dashboard-header-search-inputThe input element of the searchbar
grid-stack-wrapperThe gridstack wrapper
grid-stack-empty-wrapperThe empty gridstack wrapper
dashboard-gs-category-itemThe categories
dashboard-app-titleThe title of the app
dashboard-gs-generic-itemThe generic wrapper for both apps and widgets

Finding the class names of elements

When writing CSS you will be required to use class names to select the elements you want to customize. To find the class names of the elements you want to customize, you can use the browser's developer tools. To open the developer tools, right-click on the page and select "Inspect" or "Inspect Element" from the context menu.

context menu

This opens up the DevTools of your browser. In the DevTools, you can find the Element Picker in the top left corner. Click on the Element Picker to activate it.

selector mode

Now you can hover over the elements you want to customize. The element you are hovering over will be highlighted. If you click on the element, the DevTools will show you the classname of the element.

element highlighted

Finally, select the classname of the element you want to customize and add it to your CSS rules.

element classname

Additional resources

If you want to learn more about CSS, you can find a lot of resources on the internet. Here are some of the best ones: